Sensuous...Alive to pleasure received through the senses_+_Wife...Woman committed to enjoying her man and being enjoyed by him...for life
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Shortest post ever
It's next to impossible for your husband's foibles to annoy you when he has used his power, skill, and generosity to reduce you to a quivering gooey puddle of joy.
Tulipsanticipation, Oh, soon I hope! Hurricane Ike has certainly been a delay. I'll post more as I have a countdown to a launch date.
Cocotte, I really enjoy cooking, I find the whole process very sensuous and pleasurable. For me, cooking is not a chore it is a pleasurable experience of creating edible art. Lots of cookbooks are about the result. My approach is to write about the process and enjoying yourself while cooking. When I cook, I play music and dance in front of the stove. It's a huge source of everyday joy. I've been taking pictures while I cook and writing articles about the process of cooking an entree. Sensuous Cook is a where I plan to post those articles. I am a writer and I want to write a cookbook someday.
This blog is to talk about adult stuff like love and sex and God and wearing great lingerie to your kids soccer games, so if you're under 18 then perhaps you could invite your Mom to read my blog or maybe you could come back when you are older. Thanks! P.S. Hot married sex is worth waiting for. Trust me.
My sexuality and my spirituality made friends and I've never been the same. I am a paradox. Generous heart, good intentions, ADD, business career with romance on the brain. I'm writing a cookbook Sensuous Cook, yet I sometimes answer the question "what's for dinner" with "I have no idea". I have experienced a tremendous amount of healing in my life and I enjoy sharing it with others. I am deliberately choosing to live alive to desire and alive to pleasure received through the senses. I have experienced a spiritual and sexual awakening. I'm a working mom transitioning from corporate America to running a small business from home.
Thanks for the reminder- it works in reverse also- when I am just spent after some awesome loving. Little things just don't seem so important.
That's exactly what I meant. (grin)
I changed the wording of my post a little bit, WAI. Does it make sense now?
yes. I thought it made sense before.
Ah, so very true. I'm much more apt to allow him to indulge in his video games when he's given me some loving attention.
When will your store be up and running?
And what's the "Sensuous Cook" all about?
Oh, soon I hope! Hurricane Ike has certainly been a delay. I'll post more as I have a countdown to a launch date.
I really enjoy cooking, I find the whole process very sensuous and pleasurable. For me, cooking is not a chore it is a pleasurable experience of creating edible art. Lots of cookbooks are about the result. My approach is to write about the process and enjoying yourself while cooking. When I cook, I play music and dance in front of the stove. It's a huge source of everyday joy. I've been taking pictures while I cook and writing articles about the process of cooking an entree. Sensuous Cook is a where I plan to post those articles. I am a writer and I want to write a cookbook someday.
Looking forward to the invite then :)
No invitation needed! :) When I get all the pictures from the first recipe posted, I'll take that blog public.
Exactly right. Same is true for the husband. After an intense time. Little stuff just does not seem important.
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