Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Diamonds from a girl's best friend

I love me some bling, no doubt about it.
But diamonds my best friend?
The human connection of a friend's love and encouragement trumps sparkle every dang time.
But what if I got both? At the same time?
And that, my darlings, is exactly what happened.
My girlfriend Cocotte nominated me for the brilliante blog award.
Thank you darlin'.

I pass it on to Howard at Rebel By Nature who always manages to leave me slackjawed in amazement at the deep, beautiful, yet earthy things he has to say. Love ya, Howard. You're a good man. A soulful writer. And a true artist with a camera. Blogdom is a better place with you in it.


Howard said...

SW wrote: "The human connection of a friend's love and encouragement trumps sparkle every dang time".

I know that's why this 'diamond' is important - it's so much about our being part of one another. Many thanks for my first ever web award!

Bijoux said...

You SO deserve this award SW!
Enjoy it with blessings and hugs from your friend Cocotte!

Who am I said...

Wonderful, sounds so encouraging. I am happy for you.