Wednesday, January 7, 2009

What I'm all about

Hi I'm Shula and I am a Woman, Wife, Mama, Spiritual & Sexual Health Advocate..sharing my encouragement strength & hope

I'm all about the joy. Joy and delight from all the senses including erotic joy from healthy sexuality and healthy spirituality. Joy in spite of difficult circumstances not joy because of perfect circumstances. Cause hey, who's got perfect circumstances?? If you wait for perfect circumstances to have great healthy sex, you'll wait far too long!

Many common health issues don't have to keep you from experiencing great sex. I'm not a doctor or a sex therapist, I'm a regular girl who has overcome several medical issues and come through on the other side. (biting lip twinkly eyed grin). I am more known for my love of life and for my lifestyle of receiving pleasure through the senses than I am known for the health issues I've overcome. But I do mention the health issues like sexual abuse, depression, uterine prolapse, chronic pain, and hormone disorders because I want women everywhere to know that these health issues do NOT have to mean the end of their sex life! With love, creativity, persistence and quality tools and resources, the beauty and power and pleasure of healing can be yours.

I know sex has the power to bring bonding and blessing to marriage, and I don't want anyone to miss out! My tweets and my blog are a wonderful blend of joys and sorrows because I believe in truth in advertising. When I shout out my love and gratitude for a hot experience of healthy sex, my readers know it's legit because I also share about the personal growth and healing it took to get there. I do share glimpses from my daily life because I think it's important for credibility that you know I'm a regular girl and if I can have a healthy sex life then so can you.

After years of being asked for sexual health product recommendations, I'm opening a store at

This is my story, the concise version. (grin)
Lotsa love,


Who am I said...

Dear Sensuous Wife,

I really appreciate your authenticity of sharing who you are, where you have been,and where you hope to be going, and what Christ has done and is doing through you.

hisplaymate said...

Wow, "ditto" on what the first commenter said!!

Glad I stumbled into a fellow wild horse woman. ;o)

Brian Wu said...


Have you started selling anything yet? i saw your posts at the marriagebed site and was interested in getting the liberator wedge.

Sensuous Wife said...

Dear WAI,
You're welcome. I appreciate you noticing. I do strive for authenticity. It's something I have really sweat bullets over, to recognize that being in a season of growth and difficulty does not negate all God has already done nor disqualify me from sharing it.

(smile) yes ma'am. present! here!

Welcome, Brian! Yes. Beloved Customer Care is processing orders by phone and email while the site is in the final development stages. Email her at to place an order.